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Sustainable construction quiz results
Wednesday May 17th, 2017

Before the 21st Century Office conference, we prepared a quiz that was designed to test your general knowledge of sustainable construction. We asked about basic issues and information contained in the report: “Energy consumption in office buildings”. Below is a summary of the quiz.

95% of participants correctly developed the abbreviation BIM – Building Information Modeling.

58% people knew what a Performance Based Building is – an idea of ​​office construction based on functional characteristics, in which the assessment of the obtained level of user comfort is the basis in assessing the architectural and construction solutions used.

68% participants knew that the BREEAM (Building Reaserch Estabilishment Environmental Assessment Method) certification system was introduced in 1990.

84% knew that LEED (Leadership in Energy and Enviromental Design) was developed by U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

53% people knew that Green Building Standard is a Polish certification system.

95% participants provided the correct share of electricity consumed by tenants in the building’s total energy balance, according to The report “Energy consumption in office buildings”, which ranged from 14 to 65 percent.

84% gave the correct answer to the question: How many percent of energy savings at the operational stage can be obtained by an investor who supports certification systems, according to “Energy consumption in office buildings” report.

58% people indicated that buildings constructed in the last 6 years show the greatest potential for energy saving according to “Energy consumption in office buildings” report.

89% provided the correct average share of electricity consumed by tenants in the building’s total electricity consumption, according to The report “Energy consumption in office buildings”, which was 55 percent.

79% participants indicated that heat consumption in buildings with a certificate compared to non-certified buildings, according to The report “Energy consumption in office buildings” is 26 percent.

According to surveys, all participants admitted that the conference enriched their knowledge. We hope that the answers to the above questions have also become clear, while those who could not participate are invited to our channel on YouTube , where recordings of the event are available.