We cordially invite you to the training on the WELL Building Standard certification system, preparing for the WELL Acredited Professional exam.
WELL Building Standard® is an architectural environment assessment system that combines best practices in design and construction with health and well-being activities. WELL Building Standard is the culmination of research and development works carried out by leading specialists in the fields of medicine, exact sciences and “green” construction. The overall goal of the WELL Building Standard system is to protect and improve the health and well-being of people in buildings.
The WELL AP exam preparation course is a meticulous and effective approach to learning. Its contents emphasize the mastery of information about the WELL Building Standard system, seven WELL Concepts, all 105 features and their requirements, as well as the WELL certification procedure.
- Deadline: November 27-28, 2017
- Duration: 9: 00-17: 00
- Place: Warsaw
Note: The training will be in English and will be led by a trainer from IWBI Academy.
OSWBZ proves that it is a leader in the fight for healthy buildings by organizing the first WELL AP exam preparation course in Poland. Detailed information on the cost of training is available at: http://oswbz.org/szkolenia-well/