Worldwide, staff shortages in IT amount to 2 million vacancies. 30-50 thous. In the Polish industry are vacant posts. To recruit people, IT companies resort to the most creative methods. What’s more, they choose for their headquarters those office buildings that stand out from the competition – also by their approach to sustainable construction.
The Silver Tower Center is a native example of implementing architectural solutions that maximize employee efficiency and ensure knowledge transfer between representatives of various teams. On several of the office floors of the object is the Wrocław headquarters of Luxoft, a provider of specialized IT solutions for the financial and automotive sectors. And in this case high-quality lighting was used and employees were given access to recreational spaces.
The space was arranged to support the creation of unusual ideas. In addition to open spaces in the building, there are conference rooms of various sizes and recreational areas, to which employees can go with a smartphone, tablet or laptop to develop their innovative ideas. Social zones were also created to stimulate interactions and discussions between colleagues.
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